Allan Webb Ltd (AWL) is working with KBR to support their Integrated Logistic Support (ILS), Supportability Analysis (SA) and Technical Documentation efforts to deliver the MoD’s new Combat Water Supply System (CWSS).
KBR won a contract to provide the UK MoD with equipment capable of providing potable and palatable water for point-of-issue consumption from a variety of water sources including fresh water sources, such as lakes and rivers, saline sources and sources which are contaminated with nuclear, biological or chemical contaminant. The aim being to provide quick access to clean, safe drinking water UK Armed Forces overseas, or for rapid humanitarian aid in disaster zones.
The solution developed, Combat Water Supply Systems (CWSS), has 4 primary capabilities.
The support solution needed to be delivered in accordance with Defence Standard 00-600 ILS requirements for MoD projects. To supplement their own capabilities, KBR employed the services of AWL’s SME resources to assist in the Supportability Case for CWSS. The aim of the collaboration is to ensure continued and sustained capability by identifying and providing a cost effective, efficient support solution for the system whilst providing flexibility to meet both envisioned and currently undefined operational challenges.
KBR, as part of the overall CWSS contract is providing the MoD with a Contractor Logistic Support (CLS) contract to support the CWSS equipment in service. This will translate to the majority of maintenance being conducted by KBR personnel at their premises. As such, Allan Webb is required to tailor its ILS solutions accordingly to accommodate OEM understanding of the equipment.
Allan Webb were also required to provide a Training Needs Analysis for the system and a set of Technical Documentation in accordance with required standards.
Allan Webb worked alongside KBR to support their ILS Programme by focusing on 3 key areas of supportability: Reliability & Maintainability (R&M), Human Factor Interface (HFI) and Integrated Logistic Support (ILS)/Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). The collaborative team performed an audit/review of the CWSS system to answer questions including:
As the CWSS equipment is required to be used across a range of environments including in temperature ranges of -32°C to +49°C, it was vital to undertake considerable levels of R&M Analysis to ensure the system functions correctly. CWSS was analysed against Availability, Reliability & Maintainability (AR&M) tools and processes including:
The outcome of these findings formed the basis of a Reliability & Maintainability Case which could be delivered to KBR and the end user.
The purpose of the HFI Analysis was to ensure that the system design allowed for easy interface and was thus user-friendly for the human end users. Task & Error Analyses were undertaken to understand the level of interaction required in order to identify any potential problems in carrying out required tasks – i.e. ensuring equipment isn’t too heavy to operate, error codes & warning signs are easily identifiable etc. This data was then extrapolated into a Mission & Scenario Analysis to ensure the system and human interface worked effectively in real life scenarios. These Analyses were assessed against the MoD Defence Standard 00-251.
ILS/LSA tasks were undertaken to analyse the key elements to successfully supporting the CWSS through-life by identifying risks and offering recommendations:
Having completed the R&M, HFI & ILS/LSA, the team was able to ascertain the necessary spares, tools and procedures in order to produce appropriate technical documentation. This was designed in line with required standards to provide clear and concise technical information for the operation, maintenance, and support of the CWSS Modular system through-life and was produced to satisfy Army Equipment Support Publication (AESP) requirements.
In addition, AWL completed a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to identify areas where end users would need to be trained to use and, where applicable, maintain the equipment. This analysis also informs the design and development of the CWSS Operator and Maintainer training courses. In this instance, the OEM will be providing the majority of maintenance at its premises so Training requirements are comparatively small.
To ensure KBR were kept up to date throughout the project, AWL provided monthly reports identifying areas of progress, potential programme issues & resolutions and the overall status of major activities.
As part of the final deliverables for KBR, AWL produced a Supportability Case, including reports on ILS activities, to provide ‘A reasoned, auditable argument created to support the contention that a defined system will satisfy the support requirements of a project’. This can be used as additional assurance to the end user, the MoD, that the equipment meets the desired requirements outlined in the Statement of Work.
KBR now has a robust ILS and SA programme, conformant to all required Defence Standards, in place to ensure the CWSS Modular version is supported through life.
Land forces and the end user are already benefiting from having a new water purification system entering in to service. The legacy equipment preceding CWSS was unreliable, hard to maintain and was not user friendly; CWSS resolved these issues establishing a positive reputation of the equipment amongst the user group. CWSS Modular has been deployed on multiple occasions since entering service for cascade training to the Royal Engineers (RE) and Assault Pioneers as well as seeing active use in Kenya providing real life support to training forces.
AWL is still working through the same ILS processes with KBR to support their more complex containerised system.
“As a global company, KBR provide at its core, science, technology and engineering solutions to governments and companies within rapidly changing business environments. As global demands change and markets transform, KBR endeavour’s to be at the forefront of our client’s needs in providing innovative solutions that will solve tomorrow’s challenges and define progress for years to come. To help KBR facilitate these innovative changes and challenges, we look to employ contractors with core business synergies. AWL is one of these companies. Their ability to adapt and tailor their support strategies to meet KBR’s ever demanding business needs make them a valued “Plug & Play” business partner”.
– Murray Reilly
Head of ILS & Through Life Supportability
Equipment Support Programmes