Allan Webb Recognised for ‘Best Practice’ in Quality

Allan Webb has recently completed its ISO 9001 recertification audit and we’re delighted to have our continual improvement recognised as ‘Best Practice’ by the awarding body.

ISO 9001 ‘Best Practice’ at Allan Webb:

ISO 9001 is a vitally important element of the day to day operations of the company as we strive to perfect our processes and further improve upon the high quality output we aim to deliver to our customers. As part of our Quality procedures, we constantly review our process against internal audits and customers feedback, both positive and negative, to ensure that we are optimising our outputs as we grow as a company. 

The reassessment audit was carried out remotely by NQA Management Systems over 3 days and involved:

  • A review of system administration activities, 
  • A review and sample of site activities at our Stonehouse offices
  • A review of job related records.

Upon completion, the company’s efforts in quality was recognised as best practice as a result of its ‘commitment to continually improving the processes, procedures and policies relating to the environmental and Quality Management System. Throughout the remote audit process, the organisation was able to evidence their commitment to customer satisfaction and their open and transparent approach to ensuring the best practices are duplicated and offered to all customers.’

Continued Commitment to Improve:

Whilst the team are delighted with the result of this latest audit, the work does not stop here. As Martin Lewis, Quality Director of Allan Webb, explains ‘that drive to improve, to wave the flag for quality that makes Allan Webb Limited stand out from our competitors, should be a key motivator in all our future efforts.’

What is ISO 9001?

ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised Quality Management System that clearly defines a set of business processes committing to deliver services in accordance with pre-defined industry standards. Obtaining an ISO 9001 certificate indicates that a company is delivering to a consistently high standard with plans in place to ensure the business is continually measuing and improving every element of its operational processes. 

Working in accordance with ISO 9001 criteria ensures a company benefits from: 

  1. Consistency – having a clearly defined process for delivery its services.
  2. Reduction in failures – easy identification of errors that have led to failures which can be mitigated in future. 
  3. Tracking evidence based change – provides data on meaningful change in the busiess and highlights operational weak points and frailities for fixing. 
  4. Improved Risk Management – improving consitency and tracking data means issues are easier to identify, avoid and mitigate. 
  5. Continuous Improvement – A QMS will provide a simple framework from which to capture opportunities to improve operational processes. 
  6. Customer Satisfaction – deliver services that consitently meet the high standards desired by the customer. 

To find out more about ISO 9001 please refer to NQA’s website.