Proud to Support Sustainability in Defence

Why TDI-V?

Having been involved in the defence industry since graduating in 2015, I was keen to expand my networking and collaborative efforts with other professionals at a similar point in their career. TDI-V was brought to my attention by a colleague as the perfect forum to get started. 

I attended the launch conference where I was able to learn more about the TDI-V board’s Mission and Vision which inspired me to apply to sit on the board as a representative of Allan Webb.  

I’ve been involved with TDI-V for over 12 months, attending all board meetings and heading up the Sustainability Workstream. What first struck me about TDI-V was the eagerness to engage from those on the board, the positivity and fresh ideas emanating from conversation and the willingness to challenge and improve upon conventional practices and ways of thinking.

I am grateful that Allan Webb has allowed me the opportunity to be so heavily involved in this exciting initiative and collaborate with a vast array of defence professionals hailing from Primes and SMEs that specialize in all areas of the industry. 

Sustainability Workstream

The aim of the Sustainability Workstream is to establish the ‘art of the possible’ for a more sustainable Defence enterprise and map a way ahead with practical changes for tangible benefits. The Workstream has seen a number of projects implemented with the aim of inspiring thought provoking conversation, developing pioneering ideas, and bringing together both existing innovations from across Industry and baselining and vocalizing the aspirations for development in the area of sustainability across the Defence enterprise.

Projects include a whitepaper in collaboration with Defence Digital which explored views from across MoD and industry on implementing circular economy in defence ICT; and the upcoming Defence Sustainability Conference. 

Defence Sustainability Conference

In the first of its kind, the Defence Sustainability Conference will showcase the extensive work currently underway across the MOD, Industry and Academia to optimise operational advantage and support the target of Net Zero 50 (NZ50).

The conference is sponsored by Babcock International and KBR with keynote speeches from Lieutenant General Richard Nugee CB CVO CBE: Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy Lead and Lieutenant General Richard Wardlaw OBE: Chief Defence Logistics and Support, who will provide his vision on a Sustainable Defence operating model. 

I’m particularly looking forward to seeing the speakers and workshops cover industry and MoD innovations and best practice including DSTL’s presentation on Electrification of Land Platforms and KBR’s workshop on NZ50 in the deployed environment.

I think the event is important because it explores sustainability from a number of angles, not just in terms of carbon reduction, but in terms of resilience and efficiencies in an ever changing global environment.  

I’m proud of the commitment and effort from all parties involved that has brought this conference to life and look forward to seeing the legacy of this unprecedented event.  

There’s still time to register for the event if you wish to join virtually.